I was searching the web for an easy way to make pom poms, when I just happened to stumble upon what has to be the easiest tutorial ever! Not only is it easy, but they are just so darn cute!
First you will need to gather all of the supplies.
You will need:
-Tulle (I used the kind that comes on a spool)
-A cardboard box
-A cardboard box
-A needle
First things first, you will need to cut two circles out of cardboard. (This is where the cardboard box comes in to play)
Make sure that both circles are about the same size. Then you want to cut a circle in the middle of both circles.
You should end up with something like this...
-A needle
First things first, you will need to cut two circles out of cardboard. (This is where the cardboard box comes in to play)
Make sure that both circles are about the same size. Then you want to cut a circle in the middle of both circles.
You should end up with something like this...
Next, you are going to place both circles back to back. Begin wrapping your tulle around the circles and through the hole in the middle, like so:
Continue wrapping your tulle until the cardboard is fully covered.
Once you have the cardboard fully covered, grab your scissors. You are going to cut the tulle in between the two pieces of cardboard.
You will cut all the way around, between the two circles.
Once you have it fully cut, you will pull the two pieces of cardboard away from each other. (Be careful not to pull the cardboard off of your tulle)
Now take an extra piece of tulle and tie it around the center of the rest of the tulle. Make sure it is nice and tight!
Remove the cardboard circles and fluff your pom pom. Cut off any excess tulle that is longer than the others, and voila! You now have an adorable little puff!
Now you just need to go and make more!! Once you have all of your pom poms made, all you have to do is take a needle and string and run the string through your poms poms. Hang it up somewhere that everyone can see it!
Now go get out there and start crafting!!